Online - Video consultations with patients

In the training Video consultations with patients, you will learn as a general practitioner, specialist, or other healthcare provider how to handle various situations in remote patient consultations. Healthcare providers can practice this in small online groups. For Netherlands-based general practitioners and practice nurses, we can offer the accredited training through the Dutch institute: LHV.

Do you want to offer digital consultations but still feel a bit uneasy about it? In this training, you practice video calling in a small group, making the step to this type of patient engagement more comfortable and effective. By practicing with both simple cases and challenging situations, you explore what feels comfortable and what is possible through this channel. And it turns out, a lot is possible. With benefits for both the patient and the healthcare provider.

In total, we have guided over 350 general practitioners, practice nurses, and specialists on this topic. Therefore, we can share a lot from that experience!

The training takes place digitally (via Zoom) in groups of three to seven healthcare providers. We work with presenting your own cases: the situations you yourself encounter in communication with patients. We practice these in role-plays with a training actress. The training lasts 1.5 hours.

So, do you have doubts about the added value of video calling, or do you want to equip your team with this skill? Email [email protected] to get more information. Please indicate whether you are looking for a custom training or an open training. We are happy to help you!

“I was inclined to call patients by phone to receive an update or share results, or I had them come in. Now I video call them when possible. The added value, compared to a phone call, is that you can see their bodylanguage and your can show them your screen. This helps in providing meaningful care. I also found that some patients benefit from not having to travel to be able to see me.”

“I have a patient with an anxiety disorder who often quickly imagines the worst-case scenario. She insisted on being tested, but she did not meet the criteria, and I couldn’t let it go easily. I notice that this short training helps me to get less carried away by the patient’s emotion.”

“It’s nice to let off steam in the group. And I notice that I use some phrases from the training literally, it provides support!”


Ons team


Yep Trainingen
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 84
2274 AL Voorburg

KvK: 58989463
BTW: NL001795751B66
IBAN: NL49TRIO0254729886



Telefoon: 06-14477347