Coaching Leadership

Coaching leadership is a topic that is high on the agenda in many organizations. From firefighters, consultants, teachers to healthcare providers: steering behaviour through sanctions and bonuses does not work well. Instead of increasing employee engagement, a quick clean-up is done for an inspection or audit. This jeopardizes organizational results, safety, and employee motivation.

Coaching leadership offers a new perspective. By guiding the employee with qestions and with an engaged attitude, they become more active in reflecting and are better able to make appropriate decisions. This way, lessons can be learned from successes, incidents, complaints, or reports. This is not self-evident in organizations that work according to protocols, but is an acquired skill and way of working.

To make the shift to a coaching style of leadership, a behavioral change is needed at all levels of the organization. This is not an over night ordeal, but is worth the while! Curious about what your team needs for a positive turnaround? I would be happy to come by for a personal conversation to explore the possibilities and opportunities together with you.

Make the switch from telling people how te do better to a deeper dialogue. Help another person to come up with solutionsthemselves through asking good questions. Coaching leadership!

Trainer Anna gives instructions during a coaching conversation skills exercise Above: A group of young employees receives instructions from trainer Anna on how to coach while asking for information.

Trainer Marijn joins an LSD conversation Above: A group of secondary school teachers practices under the guidance of trainer Marijn to delay giving advice in conversations. Instead, they provide structure so that students actively seek solutions themselves.

Group of team leaders follows coaching leadership training Above: A group of team leaders follows a Coaching Leadership training that includes performance reviews, feedback culture, listening and observing, and giving and receiving feedback.

Robert, Production Manager at a metal company - “All our team leaders and assistant team leaders have received support from Yep in conversation skills. They really needed this for the transition from executor to supervisor. How do you handle everyday situations, position yourself in a pleasant way, conduct performance reviews, and prepare when bad news needs to be delivered? It is nice that they have received a common foundation in this. The training sessions were in small groups and practically oriented, very suitable for our teams. Yep also kept HR and management sharp on how they could facilitate and embed desired changes in the organization.”


Our team


Yep Trainingen
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 84
2274 AL Voorburg

KvK: 58989463
BTW: NL001795751B66
IBAN: NL49TRIO0254729886



Telephone: +31-6-14477347