Team-building Escape Room

“An escape room is the perfect tool to highlight and discuss team behavior. The time pressure and exciting atmosphere make participants fully immerse themselves in the game and reveal their true selves.”

“It’s impressive what you can achieve in one day through play as a team!”

An escape room is a great activity to do as a team and offers many opportunities to discuss and improve collaboration within the team. That’s why we offer this together with Amaze Escape The Hague. First, your team will participate in the escape room, with one of our psychologist-trainers observing. After the escape (or failure!), a delicious lunch awaits, followed by an afternoon session where we delve into what happened within the team while solving the puzzles. Depending on your goals, we can focus on specific areas. When providing feedback, we can use video footage of the escape attempt to reinforce and highlight the feedback. This is positively confronting for participants, helping them to better understand the feedback. All of this can also be done remotely in a virtual reality environment. And even digitally!

Tailored to Your Needs

A training day that fits your team is the most effective. Therefore, we take your wishes and preferences for learning goals and skills into account. We have three escape room themes tailored to common needs: Communication, Time Management, and Collaboration Skills. During the intake interview, you can indicate your preferences!

Theme Communication: If You Know What I Mean

The nerve-wracking escape room is an ideal way to discover your natural communication style through play, as it will naturally emerge under time pressure. We use observations from the escape room to discuss communication in the workplace. By the end of the training, you will have answers to questions like:

  • What messages do I send out?
  • How clear are my messages?
  • What communication style do I prefer?
  • How do I adapt my communication to others?
  • What misunderstandings easily arise in the team? Why?
  • How can we improve our internal communication?

Theme Time Management: Stop the Clock

‘Your sixty minutes start now!’ In the escape room, you have one hour to break out. A time pressure we often encounter in our work more than we’d like. After the escape room, we link this to the time management skills of individual participants and the team as a whole. By the end of the training, all participants will have answers to questions like:

  • How effectively do we use our collective time? What do we notice about this?
  • What effect does time pressure have on our collaboration?
  • What do we recognize from this in our work situation?
  • What gains can we achieve? How do we approach this?
  • How can we exchange information more effectively?

Theme Collaboration: Escape Together

No one has ever escaped an escape room alone. To succeed, you must collaborate. The exciting escape rooms reveal a lot about teamwork within an hour. In this program, participants get answers to questions such as:

  • What team roles are represented in our team, and what does this mean for our collaboration?
  • Who has a leading role in our team? Who are more and less involved?
  • What would happen if we switched roles?
  • How can we collaborate as effectively as possible?

How Does It Work?

  • You contact Yep Trainingen and indicate your needs.
  • We visit you for an intake interview at your location. In this meeting, you as the organizer can specify where you want to focus the team activity. We brainstorm and set concrete goals for the day with you.
  • Based on the conversation, the trainer designs a suitable day program, makes arrangements with Amaze Escape and the caterer, and sends you the quote.
  • On the training day, we start with a basic escape room program. After lunch, the in-depth program follows. As the organizer, you can be present for the entire day. Tip: let us know in advance if you want to participate in the escape room yourself, so we can ensure it’s as exciting for you as for the group.
  • We visit you for an evaluation meeting after the team day.

Participant: “We concluded our development program, provided by Yep Trainingen, with this day. A fun and exciting final day, where it also became clear how we have progressed individually and as a team, and what pitfalls still exist.”

Trainer: “The time pressure and challenging puzzles reveal interaction patterns within the team and we can also observe many skills related to collaboration, influence, time management, and internal communication. So while the team is busy working with or against each other, I am observing. After the escape room, we actively continue with the chosen themes, and participants receive personal feedback from each other and from me. It’s impressive what you can achieve in one day through play as a team!”

Participant: “Very fun and challenging escape rooms! Great to play. The mirror you get from the feedback and supporting video footage provided eye-openers that we will definitely use more in the future.”

Group of participants just finished the escape


Our team


Yep Trainingen
Koningin Wilhelminalaan 84
2274 AL Voorburg

KvK: 58989463
BTW: NL001795751B66
IBAN: NL49TRIO0254729886



Telephone: +31-6-14477347